Alternative Nut Milks

Alternative Nut Milks

You might have noticed that blue-hued healthy noshes, juices, and protein powders are seemingly popping up everywhere—from Moon Juice Blue Adaptogen to Juice Generation's Holy Water. Its bright, almost artificial 7-11 slushie colour, Blue Majik is a nutritional powerhouse. 


click here to get free shipping & 20% off your order at Moon Juice and order the Blue Adaptogen


Blue Majik is a propriety extract derived from Spirulina, the blue-green algae called Arthrospira platensis. Similar to other algaes like Spirulina and Chlorella, it boasts vitamins such as vitamin b12, enzymes for increased digestion and bio-assimilation, and minerals. It's a binder of environmental toxins, such as heavy metals, which makes it a great supplement to compliment those whose diet is high in seafood (yes, even sustainable ones). The C-phycocyanin, a storage protein rich in amino acids that gives Blue Majik its bright blue hue, is purported to contain anti-inflammatory and brain health-promoting properties. 


This Beauty Bites includes a recipe for Blue Majik cashew milk and a few other alternative milks to get you out of your nut milk rut. Not only do different nuts and seeds hold different nutritional profiles, but it's also important to rotate these healthy but often-allergenic foods to decrease any inflammatory or digestive reactions from longterm, constant use. 


Currently Coveting & Creasing №2

Currently Coveting & Creasing №2