Myths About My Body: Men's Health through the Ages

Myths About My Body: Men's Health through the Ages


Men's health often focuses on the older  generation. What are some things that we should take care of or be preventative about through the ages?


I would say more than particular supplements, it's important to focus on stress management to keep your adrenals healthy.  Cortisol (which is made in the adrenals) is called our "stress hormone" which makes it sound like a bad thing.  But in reality, we need cortisol (just not too much of it over a long periods of time).  Cortisol helps to balance blood sugar, lowers inflammation, affects sex hormones including testosterone levels and so much more. 

So making sure sleep (bedtime, wake up time and quantity) and meals are regular and rhythmic and truly focusing on processing stress on a regular basis.  Sometimes, men tend to have less deep emotional relationships and community in their lives, so it's truly important to seek out such connection and work on processing stress in order to keep hormones healthy.  

On the note of hormones, it's also crucial to protect your reproductive system across all bodies against STDs & STIs, especially for those who identify as LGBTQI+ since the prevalence of such are higher in these communities due to healthcare disparities. Below are helpful resources to help you explore the topic of sexual health. 

Additional information thanks to our friends at Terrence Higgins Trust & Gendered Intelligence

It is important to remember that no amount of hormones will act as a perfect contraceptive. Therefore if you have a penis and testicles you can get someone pregnant. If you have a womb and ovaries then you may get pregnant. If you don’t want to start making babies then, in any kind of sex where a penis enters a vagina, a condom ought to be worn.

Even if you have had genital surgery and you absolutely cannot conceive (get pregnant yourself or get somebody else pregnant) you are still at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), including Herpes, Chlamydia, Hepatitis, and HIV. The only reliable way to reduce the risk of getting an STI during sex is to use a barrier contraceptive: a condom for penetrative or oral sex involving a penis, or a dental dam for performing oral sex on someone with a vagina, or anally.

Condoms can also be used on sex toys (if you share them) to stop the passing on/sharing of infections. Condoms come in different sizes and it helps to find one that fits you (i.e. if you’ve had FTM genital surgery).

If you identify as a man or somewhere on the masculine spectrum and find yourself pregnant, that does not make you a woman, rather you are a person whois pregnant. You have a right to your identity throughout the process. You may encounter difficulty within the health service, but ultimately you will be better offarguing for your identity than settling for a female role.

If you become pregnant while taking hormones, see a doctor immediately. Taking testosterone during pregnancy can harm the child.

Note: when we refer to "Men's Health," we are doing so in inclusive LGBTQI+ terms for those who identify as men or somewhere on the masculine spectrum, are in the process of, or have biologically transitioned to male bodies. 


About the Author

Dr. Patti Kim blends her studies in Studio Art, her background in Eastern and Western medicines and her passion for healing to truly practice the art of medicine with her patients. As a Naturopathic Doctor and Chinese Medicine Practitioner/Acupuncturist, Dr. Patti works with patients to peel away the layers to get to the root cause of symptoms, imbalance and disease. Health and healing are about seeing the entire person as a whole and Dr. Kim uses tools like botanical medicine, nutraceuticals, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, nutrition, functional medicine testing and acupuncture to reconnect the mind and body and to guide her patients towards balance. Dr. Patti works with her patients as a teacher and guide to help achieve long term wellness. 

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