Currently Creasing: Week of November 11
Photograph of Dorothy West ℅ The Guardian
Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week
Avoid Burnout Before You’re Already Burned Out: You don’t have to be ready to throw in the towel to improve things at work. These small changes can go a long way.
Scrubbing Your House Of Bacteria Could Clear The Way For Fungus: A new study in Brazil finds that urban apartments have more diverse fungi — some healthy, some potentially not — than villages in the Amazon rainforest.
The menopause guide for all ages: It’s an inevitable part of life. Here’s what to know, plus recommendations for women going through it.
And on that topic, What Menopause Does to Women’s Brains: Two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients are women. A 53-year-old’s foggy brain could help explain why.
As a fat person, fear and shame have kept me from going to a spa. But I deserve to be pampered, too.: Until recently, I was even too afraid to take a fancy, candlelit bath in my own home
CDC: Childhood Trauma Is A Public Health Issue And We Can Do More To Prevent It: What happens to you in childhood can affect your health for a lifetime. New data show a link between childhood trauma and disease later in life. Prevention is critical, public health experts say.
Why Didn’t She Get Alzheimer’s? The Answer Could Hold a Key to Fighting the Disease: Researchers have found a woman with a rare genetic mutation that has protected her from dementia even though her brain has developed major neurological features of the disease.
What Happens to Relationships When Sex Hurts: People with vaginas who suffer from the chronic-pain condition vulvodynia often feel isolated from their partners. But a better medical understanding is helping.