Currently Creasing: Week of July 1
Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera at the Christopher Street Lberation Day, Gay Pride Parade in New York City in June 1973. Photo: Leonard Fink.
Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week
Coming Out, and Rising Up, in the Fifty Years After Stonewall: Pride was a revolution and post-Pride Month, may us remind you that it’s not merely a month but every blinking second of our lives as queer-identifying people. This New Yorker piece is a dedication to that and the activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera on the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall. May they rest in power. You can also watch this documentary on the death of Marsha.
I Now Suspect the Vagus Nerve Is the Key to Well-being: the vagus nerve is responsible for various responsibilities inducing the digestive system (sign up for our upcoming online workshop for more info) and even treatment for depression.
The NYT Crowdwise guide of Your Best Tips for Managing the Family Money or take the 7-Day Money Challenge for optimising your financial well-being.
Take the NYT Smarter Living’s 7-Day Love Challenge, which includes focus points such as acceptance therapy and lending a hand.
The Never-Ending Mistreatment of Black Patients: For most of their lives, many Black people don’t get enough medical care. At the end, they get too much.
Study Links Common Chemical in Cosmetics and Toothpaste to Osteoporosis: A common ingredient added to many conventional products to prevent bacterial contamination might pose increased risk for developing Osteoporosis.
A Rational Case for Following Your Emotions: Feelings aren’t as senseless as Americans have been led to believe, as “weak” and “feminine” as within the senseless gender binary.
This Shakshuka Is the Most Satisfying Way to Eat Two Pounds of Greens: It takes the shakshuka formula and subs green curry, plus tons of greens.