Currently Creasing: Week of July 15
Photograph of Sylvia Plath © Estate of Gordon Lameyer; ℅ The Lilly Library, Indiana University
Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week
How to Pick a Doctor (or Break Up with One): Finding a good primary care doctor can feel a little bit like dating. It's awkward. Your expectations are high. You know it's rough out there, but you're still secretly hoping to find the one.
Could Ancient Greek Philosophy Help You Work Smarter and Better? The idea of “temperaments” or “humors” has been long debunked, but thinking in terms of broad personality types may actually help you get things done.
Cellular Life, Death and Everything in Between: Recently, a team of neuroscientists brought lifeless brain cells seemingly back to their normal metabolic activity, which has sparked conversations on how far this can—and should—go.
Coming to Your Nose: Scent Playlists That Could Boost Your Well-Being: Harvard bioengineer David Edwards is tying the sense of smell with a new technology designed to benefit our health.
What the Measles Epidemic Really Says About America: The return of a vanquished disease reflects historical amnesia, declining faith in institutions, and a troubling lack of concern for the public good.
A guide to eco-friendly travel: Be the kind of tourist locals don’t hate as much..
America Has Reached Peak Mask: In only a few years, the country’s beauty market has completely transformed.