Currently Creasing: Week of September 16
Photograph of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ℅ The Sunday Times
Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week
New Yorkers, Jajaja Plantas Mexicana’s Millennial-Tinged Vegan Trickery: You would think that Mexican food would be a natural fit for vegan preparation, but Jajaja doesn’t take any chances, front-loading every seemingly familiar item with an innovation.
If You Hate Floss, It’s O.K. to Try These Alternatives: Experts with the A.D.A. and the C.D.C. told us five things to try if you hate regular floss — and what you should avoid.
‘So old’ and ‘so tired’: What I see in the mirror doesn’t always reflect reality: Sometimes, I need a little help to see the truth
For Children With Peanut Allergies, F.D.A. Experts Recommend a New Treatment: About 1.2 million American children have peanut allergies. A new drug, Palforzia, does not cure the condition, but it can blunt life-threatening reactions.
How Bullying May Shape Adolescent Brains: A relevant article for both parents and adults who have been bullied during their childhood or young adulthood.
Who’s Missing From Breast Cancer Trials? Men, Says the F.D.A.: Men do get breast cancer, but they account for fewer than 1 percent of patients and often receive inadequate care.
Volunteering Abroad Is Popular And Problematic. Let's Fix It: From students to professionals to retirees, many people are eager to fly off for a volunteer stint. How can we make sure they really do make things better? Volunteer tourism explained.