Currently Creasing: Week of February 2

Currently Creasing: Week of February 2

Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week

  1. This month (and every month) is Black History Month. Here’s A Code Switch Playlist For Black History Month

  2. An archived article of Maya Angelou's Cooking Advice: Ignore The Rules

  3. The New Black Body: My case for equal-opportunity cosmetic enhancements

  4. Eat Natto, Live Longer? Men and women who ate fermented soy products like natto, miso and tempeh had lower rates of cardiovascular disease and early death.

  5. Vitamins and the Failure of Free-Market Health: The booming dietary-supplement industry is plagued by outlandish claims, undermining credible science, and seeding confusion.

  6. What Is Postpartum Depression? Recognizing The Signs And Getting Help: One in seven women experiences postpartum depression. But it's easy to feel alone — especially when you're told having a baby is supposed to be blissful. This episode helps both struggling moms and loved ones identify the symptoms and find treatment.

  7. The New Trophies of Domesticity: For many young Americans, stability and sophistication look like a KitchenAid mixer.

  8. When my father died, I couldn’t afford to take time off. This is the reality for many. He went to lengths to minimize the financial impact his death would have on us

  9. Are hair dyes safe? Health worries are increasing interest in the go-gray style trend. New research raises some concerns about the possible risks from the chemicals.

Thought of the Week

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.

— Dr. Maya Angelou

Cornflake Empire: The Kelloggs and America’s Wellness Obsession

Cornflake Empire: The Kelloggs and America’s Wellness Obsession

Are Bioplastics Better for the Environment? It’s Complicated.

Are Bioplastics Better for the Environment? It’s Complicated.