Sex 101: Taking Testosterone with SSRIs

Sex 101: Taking Testosterone with SSRIs

About the Series: Sex 101

With cuffing season just around the corner and Scorpio season in full swing, romance is in the air. Along with that, though, come rigid sexual norms, too many atrocious Tinder dates, and having to deal with our exes (and exes of exes, and so on). Are these just the things that we, as young people still understanding our own sexualities, have to go through? 

Here at Camp Thirlby, we don’t think anyone should be denied the education and experiences that encompass their sexual and  romantic lives across (and outside of) the gender spectrum. However, that usually isn’t the case for many of us, whether that means having to seek out alternative forms of sex and dating information for queer folks or using our own lived experiences in a religious upbringing to process our knowledge and feelings towards sexuality years later. That’s where “Sex 101” comes in — a series that highlights the educations and experiences — no matter how unconventional — of our Camp Counselors that have something to say about how they navigated, learned, and unlearned certain sex and dating norms.

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About the Author

Emil (they/them) is an east coast based illustrator. As an undergraduate studying Art History and Studio Art, they take interest in comics and comic history, as well as gender studies and abstract drawing. Outside of school and work, they enjoy caring for their plants, making pesto, cherishing their friends, and collecting Hello Kitty memorabilia. You can find them on instagram at @emilcyvon and visit their website here!

Camp Thirlby’s Guide to Embrace Rebirth This Scorpio Season

Camp Thirlby’s Guide to Embrace Rebirth This Scorpio Season

Sex 101: Navigating Queer Dating with OCD

Sex 101: Navigating Queer Dating with OCD