Currently Creasing: Week of March 2
Image of Frank O’Hara ℅ Literary Hub
Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week
5 Ways To Prevent And Prepare For The Coronavirus: You might be wondering how to prevent coronavirus and protect your family if the virus continues to spread. Nancy Messonnier from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares five things you can do to prepare. One takeaway: Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Mental-Health Researchers Ask: What Is ‘Recovery’? There are many ways to measure mental distress. But it’s far harder to predict, or even describe, the improvement that often follows.
America's Mental Health Crisis Hidden Behind Bars: Overcrowding, understaffing and poor treatment for inmates with mental health issues held in Los Angeles jails underscore growing failures in America's mental health and justice systems.
The Opposite of Socialized Medicine: A small, litigious group has spent decades trying to stop the government from telling doctors what to do. What happens if it succeeds?
'Tiny Habits' Are The Key To Behavioral Change: Want to start a new habit? Think small. That's the counterintuitive idea in BJ Fogg's book, Tiny Habits. Fogg explains that making small behavior changes requires just a little motivation and lots of celebrating — and can lead to big change.
So You Want to Be a Climate Activist? Start Here.
‘Star Trek’ Failed to Reckon with Our Greatest Threat: Climate Change:Science fiction—with its focus on the future—provides space for imagining a more socially and ecologically just world.
The Pitfalls and the Potential of the New Minimalism: The mantra of “less is more” still obeys a logic of accumulation—but it hints at genuinely different ways of thinking.
Is That the Voice of Your Inner Child or Your Inner Adult? The next time conflict arises, listen closely and see if you can determine whether that voice in your head is a responsible grownup or an insolent teen-ager!
Creamy Vegan Pasta…and 9 Other Ways to Turn a Can of Beans Into Dinner: It’s creamy, it’s beany, and you don't even have to break out a blender.