A Brief on Cycle Synching & How To Incorporate It

A Brief on Cycle Synching & How To Incorporate It

Do you recall a time growing up where you felt safe to openly discuss periods? For many menstruating folks (including myself), there is a real struggle to think of a single moment where it felt safe to ask questions and gain knowledge about menstruation, especially at a time in our lives when it was imperative for us to learn! If and when the socially labeled “taboo” topic did come up, it was often reduced to a single, blanket word such as “PMS”, or scoffed at as if our hormones were something to be ashamed of – rather than being a powerful force that creating the pattern work of our daily lives.

The time has come to take back our power by acknowledging and honoring the beauty of the four phase menstrual cycle. “Cycle syncing”, a term coined by Holistic Nutritionist Alisa Vitti, is a practice of optimizing health and nutrition by eating, moving, and planning activities around the four phases of your menstrual cycle. In the wellness world, we are constantly being thrown new trends, and it can be overwhelming to decipher which ones are beneficial and which are just passing hype. As someone who has struggled with period woes for much of my adult life, I can firmly attest to cycle syncing changing my life. Finding the beauty in what society has deemed an untouchable subject has been empowering, relationship building, and beneficially life altering. 

The complex and wonderful science of female health education is often reduced down to a single hour lecture in school, so many of us haven’t been equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to understand what exactly our bodies are doing. This has caused generations to see their period as a burden, when in reality, it is here to be a guiding light. Our cycle is a snapshot of our overall health – think of it as a personalized manual for when to slow down, when to turn inward, and when to push yourself. Befriending your cycle and letting it lead the way can direct your path to optimal health and living. As we learn to live within our unique cycles, we become more empowered and more connected with our bodies. From relationships to careers, cycle syncing can improve many aspects of our lives. Learn to lean into it and harness the power that comes with knowing your cycle.

Modern society has failed to acknowledge the importance of the menstrual cycle (average of 28 days), instead basing our daily routines and schedules around the 24-hour linear circadian cycle. We are taught to be static creatures, expected to have constant energy and emotional levels at all times. Tracking and honoring the dynamic nature of our cycle is something that has been lost in our fast-paced, overly stimulated world. When we tune in to the world around us, we will discover that the earth functions in a cyclical manner – the seasons, the moon, and our own menstrual phases each hold a unique frequency. We are nature, whether we are in tune with it or not. 

As a Holistic Nutritionist, and as someone who has struggled with period woes for many years, my goal is to show you that cycle syncing can be easily incorporated into your life. I believe that cycle syncing should be accessible and attainable. It does not need to invoke extra stress or involve a rigid schedule. The main principles I follow are first learning how to track your cycle – not just when your period will come, but understanding the ebb and flow of each of the four phases. This can be done very easily through apps (Clue is a great one!). Next, it is key to nourish and move your body in a way that is supportive to whichever phase you are in. Finally, it is important to learn how to give yourself space and support when needed. This principle is often achieved subconsciously and can be a challenge at first, but the ability to give yourself space as needed can have tremendous benefits throughout your life in the long run. 

Each phase of the cycle has its own energetic properties. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, phases are paired with the seasons that match similar patterns and properties. For example, the menstruation phase is known as our inner Winter – a season for turning inward and focusing on rest and restoration. We then transition into our Follicular, our inner Springtime, where we find renewal and growth. From there we move into our Ovulatory phase, in which we are more outgoing, energetic, and vibrant, much like Summer. Luteal, the final phase, is when the circle starts anew and we begin preparing for Autumnal rest.

  • Menstruation: Just as we hibernate in winter, this is the season for turning inwards and focusing on restoration. 

  • Self Care: Journal, say no to obligations, turn inwards

  • Movement: Gentle yoga and qigong 

  • Follicular: This phase relates to Spring and is a time for renewal and growth. Our mindset is focused and creative, and our energy is high. 

  • Self Care: Create goals, plan, and work on new projects 

  • Movement: Nature walks, flow yoga, gentle running

  • Ovulatory: This is our inner Summer. We are at our most energetic and outgoing self. 

  • Self Care: Connect with friends and family, connect and create

  • Movement: HIIT, rebounding, spin

  • Luteal: Our inner Autumn is a time for reflection and preparing for our upcoming Winter season.

  • Self care: Meal prep nourishing meals, delegate tasks, and prepare for rest 

  • Movement: Pilates, strength training, biking

Want to learn more? You’re not alone, which is why I created a guide for accessible & approachable cycle syncing! Eating for Your Cycle focuses on our four main phases of the menstrual cycle and how to optimize our health during each phase. Included are over 28 pages of recipes, suggested food for each phase, resources, movement & self care tips, and science-backed recommendations from trusted doctors & nutritionists who are leading the way in women's health.

About the Author

Taylor Kitto is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach focusing on plant-based nourishment and holistic living. Taylor's approach to health is getting back to the basics, throwing out rules and regulations, and focusing on what works for the individual.

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