Contributor Maya Lewis on how as climate change intensifies, those who are most impacted—low-income and communities of color—should be centered in the conversation as well as how tips on how to lessen our impact • Photograph source unknown
All in The Guide
Contributor Maya Lewis on how as climate change intensifies, those who are most impacted—low-income and communities of color—should be centered in the conversation as well as how tips on how to lessen our impact • Photograph source unknown
Sexual health is an integral part of our wellbeing the the Wellness sphere still doesn't talk enough about. Contributor Miri Mogilevsky on how to make sex positivity inclusive and intersectional, one that welcomes folks with a variety of identities, experiences, and perspectives • Illustration ℅ Charlotte Taylor
Microbeads are among the most familiar sources of tiny plastic pollution, but this means there are other less obvious sources of microplastics in everyday use. Researchers Sharon George and Deirde McKay point out the common culprits . . .
Low-income women, who are disproportionately women of color, shoulder far more than their fair share. They are much more likely to be directly exposed to toxic chemicals at work, at home and through their consumer products . . .
In honour of Earth Day, Contributor Jodie Zoll on how to be a better advocate for our planet, and shaving possibly hundreds of your hard-earned dollars off your electric and water bills every year . . .
What is A Sex Journal? Founders Levina & Caleb share their intimate story and project aimed to empower all . . .
How to get to the—pun intended—bottom of your lower-back pain & resolve it through trigger point therapy . . .
A quick guide on accessible tips to reduce food waste & impact on climate change . . .
Easily-digestible tips on calming the nervous and digestive system through mindful eating . . .